Goal 2: Advance, celebrate and reward effective pedagogies and mentorship strategies.
Provide support for faculty and staff to effectively promote diverse student learning in mentoring relationships, individual courses and throughout the college.
Establish a comprehensive system for defining, equitably assessing and rewarding excellence in teaching and mentorship.
Strategy 1.1: In partnership with OJEI, develop yearly workshop for pedagogical training, particularly with respect to diverse student experiences, perspectives and learning styles.
Events for faculty in the 2024-25 academic year: "Building Accessible Learning Environments" (November 2024), "Difficult Dialogues" (planned for January 2025)
Strategy 1.2: With respect to college-wide curriculum review (Goal 3), prioritize small class sizes, particularly for writing-intensive courses.
Smaller incoming classes in recent years have led to smaller class sizes. Will be re-evaluated as enrollment changes in the future.
Strategy 1.3: Offer more faculty workshops to continue development as educators in a range of pedagogical styles and techniques.
Events for faculty in the 2024-24 academic year, "Language in the Classroom" (September 2024), "The Election: A Teaching Conversation" (October 2024). Faculty workshops on a variety of topics are held on an ongoing basis throughout the academic year.
Strategy 2.3: Consider revising SIRS forms to better meet evidence-based best practices.