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DEI Programs and Events

Explore the various programs the Office of Justice, Equity and Inclusion offers:
  • Early Start Program

    Funded through the generous gift of Madison alumnus, the Early Start Program serves first-generation and other incoming students who may benefit from additional support as they transition to James Madison College and Michigan State. The program helps acclimate students to life on campus, nurtures a sense of belonging among incoming students, and equips participants with a variety of academic tools and resources. Learn more about Early Start.

  • MC 100

    First-year James Madison College students have the option to take an elective, one-credit course called MC 100. MC 100 provides an exploration of academic, social, personal and career decisions that students face in college, with a primary focus on the first year and the James Madison College experience.

  • First-Year Mentor Program

    James Madison College’s First-Year Mentor Program pairs incoming students with upper-level peer mentors within the college. Mentors connect new students to the JMC community, help cultivate a sense of belonging, and provide information and academic resources on campus. By fostering one-on-one connections between students, peer mentoring programs help promote a sense of belonging on campus and encourage academic success. This initiative is led by JMC's Advising Team. Learn more about the First-Year Mentor Program.

  • PRIME Leadership Program

    The Pre-Residential Immersive Madison Experience (PRIME) Leadership Program allows Lansing high school students to learn more about the academic and professional opportunities that exist at James Madison College. The program encourages participants to consider future careers in public policy, law, political science, government and international affairs.

    Learn more about PRIME via the JMC website.

  • EMBRACE DEI Dialogues

    EMBRACE (Empathy Mindfulness Belonging Respect Advocacy Conversation and Equity) is a new monthly dialogue. This discussion-based series — open to all JMC students, faculty and staff — will help familiarize participants with principles of DEI and help collaboratively define these concepts within the JMC community. EMBRACE event details are shared with the JMC community via the JMC Connect student newsletter and on the Madison event calendar.

    BRIDGE will support the celebration of cultural events and identity-based landmarks throughout the year at James Madison College, including but not limited to Hispanic Heritage Month, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Women's History Month and Mental Health Awareness Week. Students are encouraged to visit OJEI (S355 Case Hall) to suggest ideas or request assistance in celebrating these events.
  • Madison Academic Diversity Initiative (MADI)
    Madison Academic Diversity Initiative (MADI) provide students with academic resources and networking through mentorship from Madison faculty. MADI participants will develop professional connections with JMC faculty, attend monthly cohort meetings and complete a community service project. Students receive information on how to apply to participate by email and in the JMC Connect newsletter in September.
  • Madison Diversity Leadership Program

    The Madison Diversity Leadership Program (MDLP) offers a great opportunity to learn the skills to be an inclusive leader in public and international affairs. The program aims to address the lack of diverse representation in public life by cultivating the next generation of leaders who are informed, committed, experienced and culturally aware. 

    MDLP focuses in two areas of public life: electoral politics and government, and civic activism and non-profit leadership. It is designed to provide insight into (1) underrepresentation in public leadership as well as ways to address such underrepresentation, (2) different models of leadership, and (3) modes of community/stakeholder engagement with particular focus on participatory democracy. 

    The program also provides participants with an internship experience in an institutional setting and cultivates competency in cross-cultural interactions or a research experience that focuses on leadership and participatory action/democracy. Because it is important that our leaders have necessary knowledge to connect with individuals and groups of different cultural backgrounds, both nationally and internationally, a special feature of this program will be the opportunity for an overseas immersion experience.

    The program is designed for a diverse group of up to 10 students, representing a range of interests, identities and perspectives. Successful applicants will

    1. be at least a Madison student in their second, third or fourth year; in good standing with a GPA of at least 2.75;
    2. demonstrate commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion;
    3. have experience in engagement and/or leadership in college, University or community organizations or settings; and
    4. intend to pursue a career in public or international affairs.

    Selected participants will enroll in a two semester-long program (8 to 12 credits) of study, research and community engagement. Minimum requirements for the program include:

    1. Enrollment in courses:
      1. a one-credit intensive, weekend course on leadership that will involve readings and assignments in the fall semester. The course will familiarize students with conceptual and practical dimensions of leadership, both domestic and international.
      2. A three-credit course on participatory democracy and engagement in the spring semester.
      3. A four-credit internship, chosen from a list of recommended programs related to the themes of the course and the program, or an independent research project directly related to MDLP themes and objectives.
    2. Participation in a subsidized, two-week engagement experience at the Society for Participatory Research In Asia (PRIA) in New Delhi, India. For more than 30 years, PRIA has worked to bring the voices of the marginalized into Indian democracy, through training in participatory action and effective leadership. We expect participants to take an online PRIA course as well as to travel to India where they will continue their studies and interact with activists.
    3. Presentation at Madison’s Research Showcase at the end of the semester.

    We invite advanced sophomores, juniors and seniors to apply by submitting the written application below to Professor Linda Racioppi (racioppi@msu.edu) by 5 p.m. on May 13, 2024. Applicants may also be invited to interview with the program directors; interviews will occur later in the month, after which the final selection of fellows will take place. Women and members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. 

    Please contact program co-directors, Professor Linda Racioppi (racioppi@msu.edu) or Professor Senjuti Das Gupta (dasgup16@msu.edu), with questions.

    Application for Madison Diversity Leadership Program

    Name:                                                                                                                        Year:




    Please provide a copy of your transcript (unofficial will do) and the name of one Madison faculty reference that we can contact.


    Respond to each of the questions below. Please limit responses to questions two and three to 400 words each.

    1. List any work, volunteer or academic experiences that make you a good fit for the the program.


    2. Describe your commitment to diverse and inclusive politics, policy and society, and how your past experiences and perspectives will contribute to the diversity of this program.


    3. Discuss how you think this program will contribute to your development as a future leader in your area of interest or career path.