Undoubtedly, the academic rigor you receive at JMC will be unmatched; however, we equally value and strive to create a space and climate in which you feel free to learn, engage, question and thrive. The quality of your JMC experience matters to us, and we are committed to ensuring that you feel supported, valued and heard.”
BRIAN JOHNSONJMC Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Welcome to the resources page for the Office of Justice, Equity and Inclusion at James Madison College.
If you are on or around campus and feel particularly concerned about your safety, contact the MSU Police Department:
1120 Red Cedar Rd.
(517) 355-2221
(In case of emergency, call 911)
OCAT-Office of Cultural and Academic Transitions
339 Student Services Building
The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center
302 Student Services Building
Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS)
International Center, Room 105
Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
Olds Hall, Suite 105
Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion
Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities
120 Bessey Hall
University Anti-Discrimination, Relationship, and Sexual Violence Reporting
Staff may access the Employee Assistance Program in the Office of the University Physician
(517) 353-8933
Courtney Brown is the CAPS counselor for South Neighborhood. Her office is located in Wilson Hall.
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
Olin Health Center, 3rd Floor
Olin Health Center
Located on East Circle Drive between Berkey Hall and the Grand River parking ramp.
Group Counseling (for full list of groups)
Student Groups Funding Requests: James Madison College student groups can request funding from the college, provided they meet eligbility requirements. Learn more and apply for funding via Microsoft Forms.
Support for Campus Programs Requests: James Madison College student groups can request support or sponsorship for an upcoming event as a campus partner via Microsoft Forms.
Ateeyah Abdul-Wasi (they/them) is a third-year student majoring in social relations and policy in James Madison College with minors in LGBTQ+ Studies, Arabic and Muslim Studies.
VIEW SPOTLIGHTBevertone Anyonga (CCP & IR '20) shares his experience at MSU as an international student from Kenya. Today, he works for MSU's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research.
VIEW SPOTLIGHTThis year’s Murray Scholar is Megan Threats (PTCD & CCP ’11), an assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Information. Threats plans to honor the legacy of librarians who engaged in activism with a focus on intersectionality.