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JMC Education Abroad

Photo of 5 students in India with a quote from one of the students, Sydney Bayoneto (IR & CCP '25). Sydney states: "My favorite moments of college so far have been while I was abroad. There is something so unique about getting to see your major in action outside of a classroom."

James Madison College is committed to expanding understanding of other countries and cultures by encouraging you to plan an Education Abroad experience. Education Abroad contributes to academic advancement, personal growth and professional development. In addition, you will gain an understanding of cultures and intellectual traditions outside of JMC course material.

Together with Michigan State University’s Office for Education Abroad, James Madison College sponsors several summer and semester-long education abroad programs, allowing students to fulfill degree requirements (including the Field Experience requirement) while gaining valuable experiences abroad.

Picture from the MDLP Program in India at the Taj Mahal.

In addition to Madison-sponsored programs (offering Madison courses and/or content directly complementary to the Madison curriculum), Michigan State University offers numerous other programs which you might also consider. For a Madison-sponsored program, please select a destination from the selection below. For the complete range of MSU-sponsored Education Abroad programs, go to the MSU Education Abroad website.


  • Students participate on a program directed by MSU faculty, alongside other MSU students.
  • Predominantly offered in the summer.
  • JMC courses available.

Semester Programs

  • Exchanges: MSU Students enroll as a visiting student at an international institution, transferring credit back to MSU.
  • Direct Enrollment: MSU students enroll as a visiting student at an international university and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution, transferring credit back to MSU.
  • Full semester courses. Variety of courses available (see program page for course lists).

International Internship Programs

  • Internships ranging from 6-10 weeks.
  • Students enroll in MSU Field Experience credits (MC400/401) for internship only programs.
  • For  "Internship + Study" programs, students enroll in courses (internship course + one academic course) from provider organization which will transfer back to count for Field Experience credit (note: academic course from this model will not count towards JMC major requirements and will only satisfy JMC field experience requirement).
  • Several locations and wide variety of internship placements available.


To view JMC-sponsored Education Abroad programs, click the drop-down menu for Faculty-Directed, Semester, or International Internship Programs: