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Undoubtedly, the academic rigor you receive at JMC will be unmatched; however, we equally value and strive to create a space and climate in which you feel free to learn, engage, question and thrive. The quality of your JMC experience matters to us, and we are committed to ensuring that you feel supported, valued and heard.”

BRIAN JOHNSON JMC Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Office of Justice, Equity and Inclusion

Mission Statement

The James Madison College Office of Justice, Equity and Inclusion aims to promote a socially inclusive climate that nurtures excellence through equal opportunity and respect for everyone in the college. We seek to enhance student, faculty and staff interaction, as well as sensitivity to dimensions of social inclusion such as race/ethnicity, nationality, gender, social class, sexual orientation and disability. 

What we offer:

  • Cultural and educational programs and events (learn more here
  • Student leadership opportunities
  • Student mentoring
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Informational resources
  • Safe space to share concerns or issues
  • Student employment opportunities
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion best practices

Pursuing diverse interests: Ateeyah Abdul-Wasi

Ateeyah Abdul-Wasi (they/them) is a third-year student majoring in social relations and policy in James Madison College with minors in LGBTQ+ Studies, Arabic and Muslim Studies.


Alumnus Spotlight: Bevertone Anyonga

Bevertone Anyonga (CCP & IR '20) shares his experience at MSU as an international student from Kenya. Today, he works for MSU's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research.


Murray Scholar in Residence to pay homage to Audre Lorde

This year’s Murray Scholar is Megan Threats (PTCD & CCP ’11), an assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Information. Threats plans to honor the legacy of librarians who engaged in activism with a focus on intersectionality.