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Before You Arrive

Some helpful reminders:

  1. Once you have been admitted to MSU and James Madison College you should follow all the "Next Steps" given to you by MSU’s Office of Admissions.
  2. All first year students will participate in New Student Orientation (NSO) sometime over the summer. At this time you will create your schedule Freshman schedule. 
  3. The housing sign-up process will happen in June. Final housing assignments (residence hall, room, and roommate) are made available in late July. Students can log into iLiveOn to see this information.
  4. Your tuition bill will be ready for viewing online in the Student Information System in late July. You will receive an e-mail in your MSU account indicating that your tuition bill is ready for viewing. Pay close attention to the payment deadline so you are not charged a late fee. Minimum tuition and fee payment is typically due in early August.
  5. Madison-specific scholarship information will be mailed to admitted students in February, with responses generally due within the month.
  6. Case Hall is entirely wireless enabled. Do not bring your own wireless router to use if you are living in Case Hall. Laptop recommendations can be found here