Spring 2019
Maggie DeHart, “Gender and Sexuality in Political Theory: Its Evolution and Importance” (Peters)
Kelly Eusebi, “Who Knows Whom?: An Examination of Terror Group Relationships Through Social Network Analysis” (R. Brathwaite)
Walter Hanley, “What Do We Owe the Poor?: Jeffries Homes and Detroit’s Public Neighbors” (SteinRoggenbuck)
Sumaya Malas, “Patterns of Authoritarian Rule and Political Legitimacy in the Middle East: The Case of Syria, Egypt, and Iran” (M. Olcott)
Matthew Rappe, “Kurdish Opportunities in Retrospect” (M. Olcott)
Ian Shumway, “The Methods of Asymmetric Warfare: A Theoretical Analysis of the Vietnam War” (K. Brathwaite)
Manon Steel, “Ameritocracy: How Michigan’s Education Policies have Challenged the American Dream” (Jezierski)
Kaila Waineo, “Slavery in the Front Yard: How Israel Successfully Fought Women’s Trafficking for Prostitution” (Aronoff)
David Warshay, “Comparing Genocides: Mapping Out the Beginnings of Horror” (Aronoff)
Jake Wier, “How Aquarium Fish Could Save the Rainforest: Global Pressures and the Viability of Brazilian Ornamental Fisheries” (Kramer)
Rory Womack, “Xenophon’s Cyrus: Virtue and its Rewards” (Lorch)
Spring 2018
Raneem Alkhatib, “The Role of Film and Fiction Through Decades of War and Conflict” (M. Olcott)
Emilee Evans, “Minimum Nurse Staffing Requirements and its Effects on Nursing Home Quality and Elder Abuse” (S. Stein-Roggenbuck)
Eric Gerson, “Media and Social Change in Iran: Cassettes, Cinema, and Weblogs” (M. Olcott)
Heather Tackett, “The Institutional Illusion of Judicial Supremacy” (Kleinerman)
Fall 2017
Lauren Brown, “Individual Liberty, Collective Consensus? The Influence of John Rawls on the Supreme Court” (Kleinerman)
Spring 2017
John Antishin, “Physical Integrity Rights and Transnational Advocacy Networks: Exploring the Requisite Means of Human Rights Proliferation.” (Zierler)
Hannah Boyke, “Trumped Up?: Contextualizing Political Cartoons about Mexicans and Mexican Americans in the 2016 Presidential Campaign” (Pegler-Gordon)
Mario Gruszczynski, “Urban Governance, Partnerships, and Community: Characterizing the Urban Power Structure in Lansing, Michigan” (Jezierski)
Mahmoud Haidar-Ahmad, “Grand Strategy, Economy and Ideology: Understanding Saudi Intervention in Yemen (Axelrod)
Celia Hallan, “Spatial and Scalar Challenges to Sustainable Fisheries Management: A Case Study of Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast” (Kramer)
Lucas Hesskamp, “Nationalism Capitalized: Corporate Colonization and Orientalism in the Global Car Market” (Rohs)
Lauren Honer, “The Finland Phenomenon: Is America Compatible Enough to Learn from Successful Finnish Policies?” (Grant)
Alexander Kurrie, “Tocqueville Today: The Future of our Liberal Democracy” (Lindahl)
Jacob Leppek, “The Political Nature of Iraqi Media Organizations” (M. Olcott)
Emily Linden, “Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Privatization and Economic Policy” (Zierler)
Christina Pastoria, “Corporate Environmental Decision-making in the Michigan Utilities Sector” (Axelrod)
Karl Schneider, “Challenging the Regional Order: The Influence of the Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) in the Inter-American Development Bank” (Axelrod)
Sarah Schuit, “Women’s Access to Reproductive Health Care Across Class Lines” (Stein-Roggenbuck)
Spenser Warren, “The Determinants of U.S. Ballistic Missile Policy, 1953-2017” (Zierler)
Fall 2016
Alexander Parsell, “Compromising on Education: An Attempt to Define the Nature of Institutional Failure.” (Emmett)
Apoorva Dhingra, “Ethno-religious Nationalism in India and Sri Lanka.” (Racioppi)
Spring 2016
Justin Allen, “Shklar’s Liberalism of Fear, Political Produce, and the American Regime.” (Lindahl)
Tanner Delpier, “School Choice and the Lansing School District: Politics, Markets, and Michigan’s Schools” (Grant)
Ian Hoopingarner, “Lineages of Dissent: Popular and Artistic Resistance to Imperialism and Extraction on ‘the beautiful island’” (Tremonte)
Raziel Lavalais, “Lincolnian Statesmanship.” (Lindahl)
Alexis Noffke, “From ‘Troubles’ to Peace: Paramilitaries and Political Parties in Northern Ireland.” (Racioppi)
Clare O’Kane, “Western or Universal, Foreign Aid or International Development: Americans and Tanzanians on Human Rights as Human Development.” (Pinto)
Cody Schulz, “Azerbaijan: Destined for Diversification or Doomed to Decline?” (Graham)
Fall 2015
Beatriz Navarro-Garcia, “Between Parrots and Pig’s Tails: A Study of the Private and Public Realms in One Hundred Years of Solitude.” (Garnett)
Spring 2015
Adam Cusick, “Government of the People, or For the People?: The Crisis of Democracy in the European Union” (Lindahl)
Arian Koochesfahani, “The Drama of Republic I and Why a Philosopher Would Want to Rule” (Petrie)
Paul Rose, “Transnational Network Influence on Great Powers: The Case of Germany and Russia” (Axelrod)
Brianna Starosciak, “The Future of Warfare in Eurasia” (Garnett & Zierler)
Brittany Zwierzchowski, “Tocqueville’s America and Pierre Manet’s Christianity: The Compatibility of Democracy and Religion” (Lindahl)
Spring 2014
Cory Carone, “Tocqueville and Modern Science: How Scientific Authority Exacerbates Soft-Despotism and the Implications for Liberal Democracy and the Soul” (Craig)
Ansel Courant, “Transnational Writing and Performance in ‘Public’ Digital Spaces: Wikipedia and the 2013 Protests in Brazil” (Rohs)
Teresa Dettloff, “An Examination of Arms Control: The Merits and Limits of the Bilateral and Multilateral Approaches” (Zierler)
Cole Lussier, “Weighing an Active Judiciary: The Supreme Court’s Control over Morality” (Kleinerman)
Matthew Needham, “Political Entrepreneurship Efforts in Education Reform” (Emmett)
Spring 2013
Kathryn Allen, “The Trials, Tribulations, and theory that have Shaped Tribal Nations Sovereignty” (Emmett)
Shelby Couch, “Destructive Constructs of Haitian Identity in the Dominican Republic: Cultural Effects on Dominican State Interests and Politics in Relations with Haiti” (Pinto)
Bradley Kells, “Applied Zymology: How Institutions, Culture, and Luck Created the American Microbrew Revolution” (Emmett)
Angelina Mosher, “Feminism, Patriarchy and Elitism: The Mobilization of Women in the Palestinian Nationalist Movement” (Racioppi)
Emily Snoek, “Risky Business: LGBT Youth & Michigan’s Sex Education Curriculum” (Grant)
Spring 2012
Christopher Coles, “Revisiting Fukuyama: Recognition and Meaning After The End of History” (El-Rayes)
Kevin Dean, “Access Approved?: the Internet and the Public and Private Spheres in Liberal Democracy” (Craig)
Alexis Duffey, “Setting the Stage: Spectacular History and the Politics of Performance in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremonies” (Rohs)
Rebecca Farnum, “Food and Water as the Middle East and North Africa’s ‘Coal and Steel’: Regional Economic Integration and Peace Prospects” (Axelrod)
Donald Matlock, “Cause and Effect: Understanding Iran’s Nuclear Rationale” (Zierler)
Spencer Nordwick, “Beyond the Field: Agricultural Policy, Development, and Gender in Tajikistan” (Racioppi)
Sarah Pomeroy, “Progressing Towards the Rule of Law: The Effect of History and Foreign Intervention in Post-Authoritarian Nations” (Axelrod)
Evan Stewart, “Measuring the God in You: Bias Against the Non-religious in National Surveys and American Political Rhetoric” (Burns)
Fall 2011
Alex Barton, “Encouraging the Efforts and Kindling the Spirits of Others: Francis Bacon on Scientific Accountability” (Craig)
Katelyn Charbeneau, “What are you Waiting For?: Student Waitresses Balancing School, Work and Stereotypes” (Goett and Pegler-Gordon)
Claire Glenn, “Choices, Constraints, and Change: Intercultural Health in the Pearl Lagoon Basin of Nicaragua” (Kramer and Goett)
Spring 2011
Laura Kovacek, “Problems, Paradoxes and Potential in the Local Food Movement” (Craig)
Isabel Laczkovich, “European Rhythm - Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: A Critical Analysis of European Public Relations” (Graham)
John Loporto, “Nazism and Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt ‘On the Origins of Totalitarianism’” (Lindahl)
Alyssa Meyer, “Assessing the Persistence of Political Culture in Elite-Led Regime Transitions: The Cases of Turkey and Uzbekistan” (Graham)
Anna Stephens, “Civil Rights and Friedrich Nietzsche: How the Struggle for Equality Can Progress in an Age of Godlessness” (Stokes)
Marissa Wahl, “Self Interest and Soft Power: Explaining Chinese Foreign Policy Intentions in Africa and Latin America” (Qing)
Spring 2010
Randall Denison, “Authoritarianism, Liberalism, and Democracy in Turkey” (Lindahl)
Kallie Eisenberger, “How Democracy Shapes Counter-Terror Strategies and Tactics: A Comparison of the United States and Israel” (Aronoff)
Katie Gjerpen, “Nation-Building in Syria and Lebanon During the French Mandate” (Graham)
Andrew Jelinek, “Human Security in Central Asia: The Analytical Limits of Human Insecurity as a Cause of Insurgency and Terrorism” (Graham)
Alyssa Johnson, “Race and Ethnic Voting in the New South Africa: Prospects for Democratic Deepening through Multi-Party competition by the Democratic Alternative Party” (Edozie)
Nicholas Laverty, “Short Term View, Long Term Consequences: Framing the Future of Sino-American Economic Relations” (Qing)
Carly McGarr, “Framing Capital Punishment: A Case Study of the United States and Canada” (Burns)
Kellie Owens, “Private Choices, Public Consequences: How Advanced Reproductive Technologies are Changing American Society” (Largent)
Kelly Steffen, “Natural Resources and Conflict in Post Cold War World: How the End of the Cold War has Created a New Conflict Landscape, Challenges, and a Search for New Solutions” (Schechter)
Lauren Verbiscus, “Ecuadorian Education: The Source of Equitable, Sustainable Development” (Jezierski)
Brianne Walsh, “On the Limits to Modernity and Democracy: The Political Philosophy of Pierre Manent” (Lindahl)
Jennifer White, “Creating an Ecologically Friendly Reproductive Domain for Women: An Analysis of Infant Health in Southeast Michigan” (Jezierski)