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Senior Honors Thesis

The senior honors thesis program at Madison allows students to showcase their personalized research and scholarship.

Joy Cullen Senior Thesis '23

The Honors Thesis is a substantial work of independent research or scholarship, to be supervised and evaluated by a faculty member. An honors thesis provides the opportunity for a student to explore a research topic in-depth through rigorous empirical analysis and theoretical development under faculty guidance to be presented in the final semester to the JMC academic community.

Students who have finished a Senior Honors Thesis often use it for writing samples for graduate school, confirmation of research related skills for career purposes, and other meaningful illustrations of academic excellence.

Embarking on a Senior Honors Thesis

Students interested in completing a Senior Honors Thesis are strongly advised to contact the JMC academic affairs office to go over the requirements and deadlines to ensure successful completion.

STEP 1: Select a topic  and identify a JMC faculty member willing to serve as your senior honors thesis advisor before the end of the fall semester of your junior year.

STEP 2: Successfully complete three Honors Options in courses required in the “core” of your major (i.e., in courses in the major with the designation MC, either required or electives). Successful completion = meeting all the specified requirements for the awarding of the honors option designation, including receipt of a 3.5 or better in each of the courses.

STEP 3: Successfully complete one independent study (MC 399, 3-4 credits or MC 490H, 4 credits) in your  major during junior year. Successful completion = 3.5 or better in the course.

STEP 4: Successfully complete a senior honors thesis (MC 495H, 4 credits for each semester) and a successful public defense of that thesis. Successful completion = a 3.5 or better in each senior thesis course, or overall when the grade given in the first semester is deferred.

For examples of past Senior Honors Theses, view the lists below.