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Alumni Association Awards

The James Madison College Alumni Association(JMCAA) Board of Directors sponsors two annual awards to honor distinguished alumni and friends of the college. The Distinguished Alumni and Honorary Alumni awards have been established to acknowledge those individuals who have significantly contributed to the college. Distinguished and Honorary Alumni are nominated by fellow alumni and members of the college faculty and administration. 

JMCAA encourages alumni, faculty, staff and friends to submit nominations of qualified candidates at any time. Please provide a letter of recommendation which includes examples of the nominee's dedication to James Madison College and his/her professional and personal accomplishments. To make a nomination or if you have any questions, please contact us. The deadline to make nominations is December 15 of each year for the nomination to be considered for presentation at the next spring commencement. 

Distinguished Alumni Award:

  • Must be an alumnus/a of James Madison College.
  • Must have achieved prominence in their field.
  • Must have demonstrated service to James Madison College.

Honorary Alumni Award:

  • Non-graduates of James Madison College whose efforts have significantly contributed to the progress and development of the college.