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John S. Habib Scholarship

Make a gift to Madison online (AJ00730) Habib Muslim Studies Scholarship

John S. Habib Scholarship in Muslim Studies

Dr. John S. Habib established this scholarship to encourage students to advance their knowledge of other cultures and support the Muslim Studies Program at MSU. The Habib Scholarship is awarded annual with a value based on the gifts donated to the Habib Scholarship each year, the most recent award was $2,000. Scholarship selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Nominees must be registered in the MSU Muslim Studies Specialization as of September 15 each year.
  • Nominees will be judged on these three criteria and in this order
    1. Professional goals involving Muslim Studies
    2. Academic achievement
    3. Financial need

Dr. John Habib held a joint appointment with the College of Social Science and James Madison College at MSU as a Diplomat in Residence for 2005-6.  He has a long record of diplomatic service for the US in the Middle East and has taught extensively since retiring in Washington, DC; the Middle East and now California.  He taught a Madison course on US Foreign Policy toward the Middle East in the spring semester of 2006.  In addition, Dr. John Habib gave the opening address at the 22nd annual Frank Church Conference on Public Affairs on November 3, 2005 at Boise State University in Idaho. The conference "Global Flash Points: Clash of Cultures" focused on the questions, "How does the U.S. engage a world where many mistrust and even hate America, and how should the U.S. rebuild global institutions and contain extremism?"

Please contact the JMC Academic Affairs Office for more information on applying for the Habib Scholarship.  If you wish to make a donation to support this award, please contact the JMC Development Office.

Learn more about the Habib Family and Muslim Studies Endowed Scholarships