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JMC Internal Page

NEW FOR 2023!

Introducing JMC Interactive, a dynamic live polling solution for your class.

Admin Interface - https://apps.jmc.msu.edu/jmcia

Awards List (Provided by Awards Ad-hoc Committee)

The spreadsheet will be updated as more awards are populated. 


Two Factor for MSU

Enable two-factor for your general MSU account

Link to Okta Verify for above

Free Anti Virus for MSU employees for personal devices

Account of a sophisticated phishing scam

Password Managers


msu.zoom.us - where you start to host your zoom meetings every time
My Madison - update your office hours and configure the Zoom/Appiontment Scheduler options
JMC Appointment Scheduler / Zoom portal - let your students sign up for appointment slots
Updated Zoom Instructions
Zoom Tips Document | Recording Zoom Sessions and Sharing
(you may have to sign into MSU Google Docs first.)

Instructional Video/Documents

Setting your static zoom link (updated FS21)
Finding out when/where you final exam is
Using the appointment scheduler
Uploading and captioning videos
D2L - Finding and activating your course
D2L - add a file
D2L - delete a file
D2L - add a dropbox/assignment
D2L - add a guest to your course (no audio)
Email your class

Microsoft Teams Information

Request a Team for a class
Request a Team for a group (not a class)
Quick Start, FAQ, MSU Knowledge Link.


Other Items of Interest

D2L - how to activate your D2L classes (official docuentation, see my video above as well)
Onedrive - The official sanctioned file sync platform of MSU
D2L Training - for when you have a desire to learn desire 2 learn