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Ken Waltzer

Donate to the Ken and Sandy Waltzer Teaching Excellence Endowment

Ken’s career, legacy and vision for the fund
Waltzer Endowment pledge form
Make your gift online

Wallace Jefferson’s Keynote Address during Ken’s Big Bash, March 28, 2015
Reflections from Ken and Sandy’s son Luke Waltzer about the weekend celebration
Photos from Waltzer Big Bash Celebration
Program for Ken's Big Bash - Retirement Celebration, March 27-28, 2015

James Madison College would like to thank the leadership donors below for their generous contributions in honor of Ken and Sandy.  

Anonymous Donors
Wendy J. and Christopher Adam
Ken and Pam Bloom
Cory A. Carlson and Rhoda L. Altom
The Dorigo Jones Family
Wallace and Rhonda Jefferson
Beth Kuhn and Ken Edwards
Paul and Melissa Long
Robert and Julie Samson
Michael G. Sarafa
Michael and Elaine Serling
Julie and Mark Teicher
Ken and Sandy Waltzer