Give to the Michael G. Schechter Endowed Scholarship Fund for James Madison College
He has been writing analytical biographies of heads of intergovernmental organizations, especially World Bank Presidents and NATO Secretaries-General. To date, his biographies include Eugene Black, Tom Clausen, Robert McNamara, George Woods, William Cole, Colin Goad, Paul Hoffman, Lord Ismay, Sadako Ogata, Maurice Pate, Mary Robinson, Paul-Henri Spaak and Thorvald Stoltenberg.
Brent A. Rudolph, Michael G. Schechter, and Shawn J. Riley, "Governance of Wildlife Resources," in Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management, 2nd ed., ed. by Daniel J. Decker, Shawn J. Riley, and William F. Siemer (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012), pp. 15-25.
"Fishing and Fish Stocks" in vol. 1 of Global Social Issues: An Encyclopedia, ed. by Christopher G. Bates and James Ciment (Amonk, N.Y.: m.e. sHARPE, iNC., 2013): 351-356.
Michael G. Schechter, "Confronting the Challenges of Political Leadership in International Organizations," in Comparative Political Leadership, ed. by Ludger Helms (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), pp. 249-271
Professor Michael Schechter joined the faculty of James Madison College in 1975. His passion for helping students and for serving as their “teacher” in the broadest possible way was a nearly 40-year hallmark at James Madison College. That passion, reflected in his classroom instruction, course advising, personal and professional counsel and exemplary scholarship, was second to none. Serving on a faculty known for setting the bar for teaching excellence, Schechter was a leader and mentor among his colleagues. While awards and professional accolades can never be the measure of the person, his special bond with and regard for the students he engaged was reflected in a host of university awards, all of which involved selection criteria requiring notable service to students.
“Mike Schechter was a wonderful teacher, mentor, and friend,” said Claudena Skran, (IR ’83), associate professor and department chair of Education at Lawrence University in Appleton, WI. “With his help and guidance, I was able to be successful both in the classroom and in competitive scholarship competitions. He really shaped my view of how international politics works and his abiding belief that international organizations could make a positive difference for the good has stayed with me. After my graduation from JMC, Mike and I stayed in touch and I always appreciated his advice. There really is no other professor like Mike Schechter.“
A history of Michael Schechter's career
Give to the Michael G. Schechter Endowed Scholarship Fund for James Madison College