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Guido Parietti

Guido  Parietti
  • Assistant Professor
  • Faculty


Guido Parietti (Ph.D. Columbia University, Political Science; Ph.D. Sapienza - University of Rome, Philosophy) is Assistant Professor of Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy at James Madison College, Michigan State University. His research focuses on the analysis of political concepts, their history, and their methodological and normative implications. He has published on diverse topics and authors – such as deliberative democracy, political theology, Hannah Arendt, and Thomas Hobbes – in the European Journal of Political Theory, the European Journal of Philosophy, La Cultura, and Politica&Società. His current research plans to inquire the historical development of the concept of power, as well as the use and misuse of teleology in political thought.


Parietti, Guido. On the Concept of Power: possibility, necessity, politics, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 2022

Parietti, Guido. Sulla razionalità in Hobbes. Deontologia e giustificazione politica, Milano: Mimesis [On Rationality in Hobbes. Deontology and Political Justification], 2019.

Parietti, Guido. “Deliberative Democracy and the ‘Turns’ that Were not”, Politica & Società, 8, no. 3: 317-338. 2019.