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Omowumi Olufunmbi Elemo-Kaka

Omowumi Olufunmbi   Elemo-Kaka
  • Assistant Professor
  • Faculty


Omowumi Olufunmbi Elemo-Kaka is an assistant professor in the Comparative Cultures and Politics field. Elemo-Kaka earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in political science from Michigan State University (2012). Her areas of expertise focus on comparative political economy, African politics and public policy. Her research interests focus on democratization and citizenship, political representation and accountability, federalism and subnational politics, and public finance (e.g. management of natural resource revenue and tax policy/reform) in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa. Elemo-Kaka has recently published research in the Oxford Handbook of Nigerian Politics and African State Governance: Subnational Politics and National Power. 

CV is available upon request.


"Can President elect Tinubu Solve Nigeria’s Perennial “Restructuring” Problem" (March 2023), http://democracyinafrica.org/can-president-tinubu-solve-nigerias-perennial-restructuring-problem/

"Can President elect Tinubu Solve Nigeria’s Perennial “Restructuring” Problem" http://democracyinafrica.org/can-president-tinubu-solve-nigerias-perennial-restructuring-problem/ https://www.thecontinent.org/_files/ugd/287178_89096361b89d4cd8add813170ac05515.pdf

“Fiscal Federalism, Subnational Politics, and State Creation in Contemporary Nigeria.” 2018. In A.C. LeVan and P. Ukata (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Nigerian Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.