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Daniel Bergan

Daniel  Bergan
  • Associate Professor
  • Faculty
  • Case Hall Room S310
  • 842 Chestnut Rd
  • East Lansing, MI 48825


Daniel Bergan specializes in public opinion and experimental work on advocacy campaigns. He uses field experimental designs to test the impact of citizen contacts to policymakers on public policy. In recent work, he has also explored the sources of partisan polarization in public opinion. His academic publications have appeared in the Journal of Politics, Public Opinion Quarterly, the Journal of Communication, and other journals.


Bergan, D. E. & Cole, R. (2014). Call your legislator: The impact of citizen contacts on legislative voting. Political Behavior.

Risner, G. & Bergan, D. E. (2014). Say it with candy: The power of framing tax increases as items. Journal of Political Marketing.

Lacy, S, Wildman, S., Fico, F., Bergan, D. E., Baldwin, T., & Zube, P. (2013). How radio news uses sources to cover local government news and factors affecting source use. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 90, 457-477.

Lacy, S, Fico, F., Wildman, S., Bergan, D. E., Baldwin, T., & Zube, P. (2013). Citizen journalism sites as information substitutes and complements for United States newspaper coverage of local governments. Digital Journalism.

Fico, F., Lacy, S., Baldwin, T., Bergan, D. E., Wildman, S. & Zube, P. (2013). Newspapers Devote Far Less Coverage to Country Government than to City Governance. Newspaper Research Journal.