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Meet the newest ASMSU president

May 30, 2023 - Claire Smith and Emily Hoyumpa

Student Spotlight: Emily Hoyumpa (SRP ’24)

Emily Hoyumpa is a third-year student majoring in Social Relations and Policy in James Madison College with an anticipated early graduation date. Hoyumpa is from Shelby Township, MI and has been actively engaged as a student coordinator in JMC, executive director of the Association of Big Ten Students, member of ASMSU and now serves as Michigan State University's student body president. 

Emily Hoyumpa headshot

How has your time in Madison prepared you for your role as President of ASMSU?

Madison has prepared me in so many different ways for the ASMSU Presidency. I've not only learned how to connect with others in numerous settings but also the value of being an inquirer and constantly questioning and brainstorming what can be done. Madison has also taught me how to be organized, have effective communication and also how to best manage my time. 

What's been your favorite JMC class so far? Why?

I've enjoyed every JMC class I've taken from 201 with Dr. Pegler-Gordon to most recently having 281 with Professor Berg and 380 with Dr. Ahlquist, but my favorite JMC class so far has been Dr. Harrison's 280. They were an amazing professor to have, and the class really opened my eyes to current domestic issues. It also has led me to think about various careers post-grad, and I am really appreciative of that.

How long have you been a part of ASMSU? Tell us about the roles you have held in the organization and what you have accomplished. 

I've been involved in ASMSU for two years. In my first year, I was an Emerging Leader Program intern in the academic affairs and sustainability departments. In Academic Affairs, I got to work with the department to look at how to get different colleges involved in ASMSU. Then, with Sustainability, I helped craft and put on the first-ever Earth Week, which is now becoming an ASMSU and MSU staple event. Then, this past year, I served as the Associate Vice President for Internal Administration. In this role, I got to work alongside various facets of ASMSU, specifically the class councils and their programming, ranging from study events to election engagement. 

What inspired you to run for president?

What inspired me to run for president is seeing the power and voices of the Spartan community. Student voices are crucial now more than ever not only for the advocacy we want done, but for the support we can give one another. Working alongside students to fight for what is best for the community is what inspired me to run, and it is what I am most excited to do throughout my term. 

What are your short-term and long-term goals for this position?

My main goal for this position is to support and uplift the Spartan community as best I can. Specifically, I want to hear from students across campus and figure out what the biggest issues affecting our community are, and how we can all work together to address them. Once getting that feedback, I am looking forward to putting words into action and seeing what we can all accomplish together.