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Dean's note: Our semester by the numbers

December 11, 2024


As we conclude the fall semester, I am filled with pride and appreciation for the extraordinary work our college has undertaken over the past few months. The individual contributions of faculty, staff and students are a testament to the vibrant spirit that defines JMC. Below I’ve shared highlights that help demonstrate the breadth of student engagement, academic support and community building at the college. 

This semester, there were:

  • 908 residents living in Case Hall, representing 18 degree programs and 34 states.
  • 870 drop-in appointments with JMC’s academic advising team (they met with 530 students through drop-in advising alone!).
  • 38 courses offered through the college, plus independent studies and field experiences.
  • 26 mentor-mentee matches made as part of JMC’s revived First-Year Mentor Program.
  • 40 Early Start students, the largest program cohort since the program was founded in 2022.
  • +50 events for Madison students held in Case Hall, including the new weekly Wednesdays with Madison events, the Skills Seminar Series and OJEI’s EMBRACE DEI Dialogues. The college received 327 submissions through our online event feedback form, which are helping to inform event planning for spring.
  • 60 strategies within JMC’s 2030 Strategic Plan marked in progress, ongoing or completed. View a more comprehensive update on the JMC website.
  • 43 students who completed for-credit internships and studied abroad, traveling to Germany, Hungary, France, South Korea and Ecuador.
  • 63 donations to JMC’s Emergency Scholarship Fund on Giving Tuesday, raising a total of $21,306 for Madison students.
  • 35 JMC Student Senators, who serve as a voice for students at the college.
  • 40 Madison students preparing to graduate this semester.

These numbers capture more than just achievements — they represent the ongoing commitment of JMC students, faculty and staff to creating an engaged and supportive living-learning environment.

To our graduating students, this semester marks a significant milestone. You have not just completed a degree, but also developed the critical thinking, global perspective and academic skills that will serve you well in your future endeavors.

As we look ahead, we remain dedicated to providing opportunities that transform students' academic journeys and prepare them to become thoughtful, innovative leaders.

Cameron G. Thies
Dean and MSU Foundation Professor