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Staff Spotlight: Emelia Hammond

March 25, 2022 - Beth Brauer and Emelia Hammond

Emelia Hammond is the recruitment coordinator and an academic adviser in James Madison College since August 2015.

headshot of Emelia Hammond

Where are you from?

Decatur, Michigan

Where did you go to college, and what did you study?

I went to Alma College in Michigan where I earned a degree in political science and foreign service. I completed my Master’s at the University of Denver with a degree in international human rights with a specialization in international development.

As a child, what did you think you wanted to be when you were grown up?

I wanted to be an ornithologist — person who studies birds.

Name a woman who has inspired you.

My grandma. She was a very strong, very proud and very loyal woman. She was the biggest cheerleader for anything I ever wanted to do.

What might others be surprised to learn about you?

People might be surprised to learn that celebrity gossip is my guilty pleasure.

Name a female celebrity who is using her platform for good.

Amy Poehler has been doing some cool stuff. Aside from acting in, producing and directing projects that promote female empowerment, she’s also the co-creator of Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls. It’s an organization that helps young girls feel proud of who they are and find inspiration celebrating the stories of other women from all sorts of backgrounds doing amazing things in different fields.

Which women’s groups/organizations are doing work that gives you hope?

While not specifically a women’s organization, given my professional background working with refugees, I’m always encouraged by the tireless work of organizations like UNHCR and CARE. Women and children are especially vulnerable within the refugee population, and organizations like these help address some of the specific challenges they face as they flee persecution.

If you weren’t the recruitment coordinator at James Madison, what would you want to do?

International philanthropy consultant to the stars. It’s the perfect way to combine my passion for human rights and activism with my fascination of celebrity culture.