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Letter from Dean Thies and Assistant Dean Johnson: DEI Strategic Plan Update

April 21, 2022

Dear JMC Community, 

On April 7, JMC’s College Inclusion Committee revealed a working draft of the college's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or DEI, plan. The document represents two years of planning, collaboration and goals for advancing DEI and moving the college forward. We encourage you to view the working draft. The link will take you to: 

1) a brief summary/abstract; 

2) a link to the full working draft;  and 

3) a separate link that includes only the proposals, without the background information.

The final link takes you to a “comment box” that is completely anonymous and allows you to leave feedback for CIC about the current version of the plan.  

Please feel free to make comments, suggestions and/or provide feedback. While we certainly appreciate the work of the College Inclusion Committee, we also want to ensure all voices within JMC are heard and have input in the strategic planning process.  


Take care, 

Cameron Thies                                                         Brian Johnson 

Dean                                                                       Assistant Dean for DEI