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JMC Education Abroad Fair

Fri, November 10, 2023 1:00 PM at Club Spartan (3rd Floor, Case Hall)

The JMC Education Abroad Fair will be held on Friday, November 10 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM in Club Spartan (Case Hall, 3rd floor). JMC-sponsored Education Abroad programs will be featured, with special guests from MSU Peace Corps, Boren & Fulbright Scholarships, and MSU Education Abroad. Opportunities to fund education abroad will also be featured. First-year students through seniors interested in studying abroad, international internships, or international scholarships should attend. The fair will be open house-style so students can drop by between 1:00 – 3:00 PM. We look forward to seeing you!


Featured Programs



International Internships:

Other Guests:

To learn about of the JMC affiliated education abroad programs, visit the JMC Education Abroad website.