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Student Spotlight: Rosa Razmi

March 28, 2022 - Brian Johnson, Ph.D. and Rosa Razmi

Rosa Razmi is a senior majoring in comparative cultures and politics with minors in Muslim studies and women and gender studies. She is the president of James Madison College Student Senate.

Who are some of the women who have inspired you?

I have to say my mom first and foremost. She has made so many sacrifices for my brother and me. She is the most hardworking woman I know. It’s so hard to put into words how grateful I am for my mom, but she’s my favorite person ever, and I have so much love in my heart for her.

I am also constantly inspired by my aunt and cousins in Iran. They were the women who taught me what feminism truly is. Within JMC, I’m inspired by Dr. Flaim and Dr. Sayed as they’ve helped guide me with my research and have been great mentors during the past few years

What made you want to be a part of Student Senate?

I applied for Senate on a complete whim my sophomore year. I was panicking about extracurriculars in the middle of my Integrative Arts and Humanities, or IAH, prerequisite, when I got an email about an open seat for the CCP caucus. I applied right then and there. My main motivation for applying was to try to create a platform to talk about Palestine in the college. I saw there were events in Case Hall about Israel regularly, but none about Palestine. I didn’t really know what I got myself into, or that I would end up here, but I think it worked out okay.

What are your academic and career plans post-graduation?

Right now, I’ve been admitted to three different Master’s programs, focusing on the Middle East and International Relations. My two main choices right now are New York University and University of Michigan, but I haven’t decided between the two yet. Once I finish my Master’s, I’ll hopefully work with a nonprofit or in a research position. After working for a few years, I hope to get my Ph.D. and eventually become a professor at a research university.

Describe some of the accomplishments that you are most proud of during your membership on Student Senate, and as Student Senate President.

I have been so fortunate to be on Senate for the past three years and even more fortunate to serve as President this school year. It’s been a challenging year to say the least, but I’m proud that I was able to act as a leader to the best of my abilities, even if that means some people may disagree with me. Most of the year, I have worked on trying to transition into a new normal with COVID-19 still raging on and instilling a healthier environment both in Senate and hopefully within the college.

Rosa with other organizers at the Rock

The accomplishment I’m most proud of was when I spoke at the No War with Iran rally my sophomore year. It was terrifying to do, considering my own background and my entire family back home. I had a lot of support from my friends and professors throughout that week. I’m still incredibly proud of that speech and consider it to be one of my proudest moments of my life so far.

What is one of your best memories as a JMC student?

It’s cheesy to say, but it’s SO hard to pick just one. I have loved piling into the Student Senate office before a Wednesday night meeting, running into professors in the hallway and giving them good news and staying after a Meet the Majors with faculty and freshmen to spread all the great things CCP has to offer.

One of my big “best memories” as a JMC student was when I won the presidency last year. It was on Zoom, but I received an influx of congratulatory texts from everyone I knew and sat on the floor of my bedroom with my roommates with celebratory ice cream before we took a drive, blasting music from the car stereo.

One of my other best memories as a JMC student was during my sophomore year before the pandemic started. I met some of the best people during my sophomore sequence. Every day after class, we would go down to one of the study lounges just to hangout and talk for hours. Sometimes it would only be for 30 minutes, sometimes it would be for the rest of the afternoon. It’s one of those memories that makes me think, “This is core JMC”.