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Unpacking and Sharing Your Experience Abroad

Tue, February 6, 2024 5:00 PM at JMC Library (332 Case Hall)

Have you recently (or not-so-recently) returned from an education abroad program? Wondering how to capture your experience on your resume and share it with employers? If so, this program is for you!

As a result of this workshop, you will be able to:

• Engage in self and peer reflection to identify the skills you gained from studying abroad.

• Practice storytelling to share the ways you developed personally and professionally during your international experience.

• Apply the WHO method to represent your time abroad on your resume through bullet point statements.

• Confidently articulate your experience abroad in a meaningful way that will resonate with employers.

This interactive workshop will offer you the opportunity to lightly revise your own professional documents, so feel free to bring along a resume draft (printed or on your computer/tablet), if you'd like (not required).

Should you need accommodations to access this program or if you have questions leading up to the event, please contact Karissa Chabot-Purchase (kcp@msu.edu).