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U.S. Dept. of State Diplomatic Security Fellowship Session

Mon, February 19, 2024 8:30 PM at Online (Zoom)

Interested in funding for a Master’s degree and a career in the Foreign Service traveling the world and protecting U.S. diplomacy? Join the U.S. Department of State for a virtual session focused on the William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security (Clarke DS) Fellowship, a two-year graduate fellowship program funded by the Dept. of State.

This diversity fellowship/recruitment program is designed to lead to a career as a Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security— the federal law enforcement security bureau within the Department of State.

The Clarke DS Fellowship is accepting applications for its 2025 cohort from February 12, 2024, through April 29, 2024. Candidates planning to enter a full-time master’s degree program in the fall of 2025 are encouraged to join to hear about the eligibility requirements and benefits of this unique fellowship.

To join, RSVP in Handshake and register with the Department of State at the below link. https://www.bigmarker.com/the-washington-center/Clarke-DS-Fellowship-Info-Session-Michigan-State