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MSUFCU Best Paper Awards Announced

June 10, 2020

Three James Madison College students have been selected for the Michigan State University Federal Credit Union Dean’s Choice Award Scholarship for Best Paper in Public and International Affairs. The award recognizes students whose writings showcase JMC’s mission of producing graduates who are exceptionally well-prepared to engage in cultural, political, and social analysis, evaluate public and foreign policies and practices, and suggest creative strategies for addressing pressing issues in public life. 
First prize was awarded to Georgia Artzberger for a research paper titled, “Policy, Pregnancy, and Violence: The Latin American Zika Epidemic and the Intersection of Reproductive Rights.” Artzberger is a 2020 Honors College graduate who earned a bachelor’s degree in comparative cultures and politics and biomedical laboratory science with a minor in Chinese. 
Second prize was awarded to Jonathan Walkotten for a research paper titled, “Criminalizing HIV: Disclosure, Adherence, and the “Good” HIV-Positive Citizen.” Walkotten is a 2020 Honors College graduate who received earned a bachelor’s degree in social relations and policy and women's and gender studies.
Third prize was awarded to Lachlan Woods for a research paper titled, “From Than Shwe to Suu Kyi: Understanding Myanmar’s Recent Political Transition.” Woods is a rising senior majoring in international relations. 
The winners were selected by a faculty committee for their sophisticated analysis, research, and writing. They were chosen from a pool of 49 submissions to the competition, a record number of papers received. The awards are generously funded by Michigan State University Federal Credit Union and total $2500 in scholarships.