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Symposium on “Confederation as a Facilitator of the Two-State Solution” moderated by Dr. Yael Aronoff

Sun, October 30, 2022 11:00 AM at Club Spartan (Third Floor, Case Hall)

Palestinian and Israeli veteran peace negotiators, researchers, and Middle East policy analysts, will discuss their recent 100 page document “The Holy Land Confederation as a Facilitator for the Two State Solution.” They have presented this vision to the UN Secretary General and to the Biden Administration, and are trying to involve Israeli and Palestinian officials and publics. The speakers all believe that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is soluble, and the best solution for Palestinians and Israelis is the establishment of two states with clear and agreed-upon borders. Most of the contributors hold that a confederal framework may enable both Palestinians and Israelis to break through the current deadlock in the peace process. They believe that this can facilitate a two state solution and have a consequential impact on the culture of peace and on closer cooperation in Israel/Palestine for the good of both peoples.