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Undergraduate Research

I enjoy the process of research and taking large amounts of data that our groups find and bring it together to find a pattern or some conclusion.

Valerie McNamara, Lab leader for JMC Human Rights Lab, International Relations '23


Individualized, faculty-led, undergraduate research is an integral part of James Madison College. These initiatives give students proficiency in research design, quantitative and qualitative analysis, critical thinking and analytical writing. 


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Go Further

Undergraduate Research (UR) offers unique opportunities for students to work with JMC faculty. Students are able to produce original research content that contributes to a particular academic discipline.

The most common forms of UR at Madison are: 

  • Faculty-led research
  • Independent study
  • Professorial assistantships

When I was referred to the Center for Community and Economic Development, I knew that CCED presented a critical opportunity for my future.

Sean Farnum, Social Relations and Policy ’23

Research can build upon work in a specific class, or may examine issues not currently explored in any MSU class.


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